Thursday, January 6, 2011

My Close Encounter of tha 2nd Kind

I was standing outside a little after the sun had went down approximately mid summer of 1997. I observed a aerial object coming towards my direction about 300 ft away. I was just observing the sky and noticed and thought it was just a airplane. As it flew directly over my head and continued past my position in a south/west direction. (The object had no sound what-so-ever and that's what caught my attention the most.)I observed the object fly past me for another 100 ft and it appeared to start circling back around to my position, at this point I ran 5 feet into my home and told my mothers boyfriend to run and follow me. As we ran out of the door and to the street it was about 30 ft above us; headed in a north/east direction. We ran approximately 200 feet and it abruptly turned in a north direction above a little forest treeline and that's when we lost sight of it. We continued north for about another 200 ft and we arrived at the edge of a cornfield. We had lost sight of the object. We studied the area for about 5 minutes maybe less and decided to start walking home. We walked about 10 paces and as I turned around this object which was more of a luminous ball of red and white pulsating light was hovering about 15 feet above the ground and directly above the only standing tree in the cornfield. We observed the object pulsating vividly red and seemed to grow a little bigger than that of it when it turned white. The object moved very slowly and without sound towards the west of its hovering position. The area in which it stopped moving is about half a mile past state road 26 almost directly above US31. At this point the object pulsates a few more times then becomes a brilliant ball of red light and it seemed to grow in diameter. It continued to grow more brilliant red and bigger in diameter and then just blinked out of existence. In 2008 or 7 Kokomo, Indiana had a mysterious loud boom and and was observed by dozens of people including myself as I sat at my computer next to a window. I observed a brilliant light just before the explosion. UFO Hunters had came to town and investigated the mysterious explosion. (I believe the episode was named Heartland Explosion.) The Heartland Explosion incident took place almost in the same geographical location as my sighting but almost 10 years apart from each other. After the fact and time had gone by as I was reflecting back on my close encounter, I have come to a conclusion that maybe the object had landed on the ground and that is why we failed to see the object because we were looking in the sky for it. I have always felt like this object meant for my to witness it, and had I been looking on the ground I may have been able to approach and make contact as it was grounded; but that's just a theory. I remember everything very clearly and can take an investigator exactly over the same directions that I have stated here today. I would also, if possible like to examine the ground that I believe that the object landed. I am still in contact with my mothers ex-boyfriend and have asked him about this incident as recently as within the last year of this post. He tried to say that he could not recollect all what had transpired that night but clearly can state at least that we had ran and followed something that night. This night was so vivid to me that if asked to do so I could paint a scene of this object hovering over this lone tree in the cornfield. I would really like to get this out in the public and see if anybody else who may have witnessed this same event. This is the most amazing event that has ever happened to me and is also the reason that I one hundred percent believe that we are being visited by otherworldly and or extra-dimensional entities.

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